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Cincinnati Actor's Studio & Academy (CASA) has several components:
Acting studio, year-round Educational Workshop Productions, Summer Seminar programming, and our annual Summer Series.

Founded in 2007 by Gina Cerimele-Mechley, CASA was developed to provide dedicated students and passionate young professionals with a space to create, a studio to gather and sharpen their artistic tools and experiences to assist in bridging the gap between educational theatre to professional theatre.

CASA also works to implement the Maria Montessori Method (her learning process): Teachers ask the right questions and lead the children to discover the answers for themselves. Learning then becomes its own reward and each success will fuel their desire to discover even more!

“Education demands, only this: the utilization of the inner powers to the child for his own instruction.”
- Maria Montessori

“Find yourself in your character; don’t lose yourself in your character.”
–Uta Hagen

Focus on process not product. Without a good process, there cannot be a good product. We are here to teach the ability to stand on your own two feet.
–Gina Cerimele-Mechley

“Growth as an actor and as a human being are synonymous.”
– Stella Adler

“We must overcome the notion that we must be regular…it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.”
– Uta Hagen

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